Contact by end of day Friday with any announcements you'd like included in Sunday's program.
Contact Brother Cortney Smith or Brother Clint Brewster for temple recommend renewals and appointments with the bishopric.
To have your records moved into the ward, please fill out this survey.
Take a moment to check your temple recommend to make sure it hasn’t expired. If it has expired or if it expires soon, reach out to Brother Cortney Smith or Brother Clint Brewster to set up an appointment with a member of the Bishopric.
Temple recommend interview with the stake are held on Tuesdays from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Please don't arrive early to avoid interrupting other stake meetings.
Take a moment to make sure your picture on the Member Tools app is up to date. With so many new move-ins it sure does help us get to know people when we can look at your picture.
Self-Reliance Classes
The Stake is excited to offer self-reliance groups and is building awareness / gathering interest in the following groups:
Personal Finances
Emotional Resilience
Emotional Resilience - Youth
Finding a Better Job
To indicate your preference for which group you would like to join, please use the following QR code or link:
Protecting Children and Youth Training
Reminder that all those in Primary or Youth callings or organization presidencies are required to complete the Protecting Children and Youth training. You can find the training here. The training is good for 3 years. For clarification, this training is for anyone called to work with children or youth. This includes:
High councilors
Ward Primary, Young Men, Young Women, Sunday School, and Relief Society presidencies; Elders Quorum presidencies
Secretaries, teachers, advisers, camp leaders, activity day leaders, music leaders, pianists, and others serving in positions in the Primary, Young Women, and Young Men organizations
Teachers of youth Sunday School
Check out these helpful resources:
Protecting Children and Youth - All leaders and teachers of children or youth are to complete this training within one month of being called
Book of Mormon Videos - Book of Mormon Videos can enhance your Gospel study
Sabbath Day Observance - More than ever, we need His holy day. Find resources and ideas for individuals and families here.
Ward Leadership*
Bishop - Neil Allred
1st Counselor - Scott Stapley
2nd Counselor - Deven Roberts
Executive Secretary - Cortney Smith
Assistant Executive Secretary - Clint Brewster
Ward Clerk - Justin Crop
Elders Quorum President - Bryce Hayden
Relief Society President - Alisha Wood
Young Women President - Erin Poulsen
Sunday School President - Russ Babcock
Primary President - Natalee Wall
Ward Mission Leader - Michael Erickson