
Contact by end of day Friday with any announcements you'd like included in Sunday's program.

Contact Brother Cortney Smith or Brother Clint Brewster for temple recommend renewals and appointments with the bishopric.

To have your records moved into the ward, please fill out this survey.


Self-Reliance Classes

The Stake is excited to offer self-reliance groups and is building awareness / gathering interest in the following groups:

To indicate your preference for which group you would like to join, please use the following QR code or link: 

Self-Reliance Questionnaire

Protecting Children and Youth Training

Reminder that all those in Primary or Youth callings or organization presidencies are required to complete the Protecting Children and Youth training. You can find the training here. The training is good for 3 years. For clarification, this training is for anyone called to work with children or youth. This includes:


Check out these helpful resources:

Ward Leadership*

* For contact information, refer to the online directory at or the Member Tools app