September 1, 2024

Fast and Testimony Meeting


Presiding - Bishop Matt Peterson

Conducting - Brother Neil Allred

Opening Hymn - #26 - "Joseph Smith’s First Prayer"

Invocation by Invitation

Ward and Stake Business

Sacrament Hymn - #176 - "’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love"

Administration of the Sacrament

Sharing of Testimonies

Closing Hymn - #137 - "Testimony"

Benediction by Invitation

Quote of the Week

"Miracles and ministrations are continually occurring in our lives, often as a direct result of priesthood power. Some priesthood blessings are fulfilled immediately, in ways we can see and understand. Others are unfolding gradually and will not be fully realized in this life. But God keeps all of His promises, always."

- Elder Shayne M. Bowen